If you are having a problem with EasyGift or you can't see the reward product in your customers orders, we recommend you have a read through these common issues to see if it solves the problem.
Please note the reward product will not be added to cart if it is low in stock or if it isn't active in the Online Store Sales Channel. This is done to protect merchants from selling reward products when they no longer have stock available.
Shopify runs an inventory prediction algorithm based on the traffic of your site and number of products being added to cart by customers. Therefore, if you have a high-volume site, please ensure the reward product has significant inventory. Otherwise, when the reward product stock reduces to low numbers, Shopify will mark it as out of stock to protect you from running out.
To test this, please try purchasing your reward product through the online store. If it is available to purchase - then it'll work with EasyGift!
A problem can occur when a customer attempts to add a product to cart before your store page is fully loaded. If they do this it is likely the EasyGift script will not register the action and it won’t trigger any rules (product specific or cart value).
There is a wide variety of situations that can cause poor loading time of your site to customers. It can occur as a result of large image files on the page/ lots of product variants/lots of apps and scripts/a slow internet connection or any combination of these!
Shopify provides some helpful tips on improving the loading time of your site and the different factors you can and can't control. There is also an Online store speed report that can be found in your Shopify admin pages. To find out more, click here.
The "Buy it Now" button sends the customer directly into the checkout flow without stopping at the cart page. Our view here is that to add a gift now would distract the customer from the process of purchasing and therefore we don't interrupt this flow. The concern is that it would reduce the conversion rate of a user who has decided to purchase at the specific moment.
As a result, we don't use this as a trigger for EasyGift and a customer using this method will not trigger any EasyGift offer rules (product specific or cart value).
Whilst it might seem unlikely, there is always the possibility that the customer removed the reward product from their cart and decided to checkout without it.
The most difficult problem that can arise with EasyGift is a conflict with modified theme files or another app.
Whilst we have tested the app extensively on all Shopify approved themes, often customisations or modifications to the base theme code can lead to problems. Therefore we recommend merchants do not change their theme code unless it is absolutely necessary.
We try to make sure the app is compatible with all themes however we cannot guarantee performance on 3rd party non-Shopify approved themes. These are often not coded to the specifications and standards requested by Shopify.
Similar problems can occur with other apps running on a store and these can conflict with EasyGift. The most frustrating situation occurs when there is old code from an app that has previously been uninstalled but the code not removed. Sadly, not all developers clean up their code after you uninstall their apps!
If you think any of these issues might be occurring on your store, please contact us and we will do our best to solve the problem.